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Multi-function electric hooter Hardware Overview
多功能電笛是根據《 GB/T12303-90標準 》及《 1972海上避碰規則》研制生產的,其電路部分采用高可靠電子元器件, 在關鍵電路部分采用集成IC, 大大提高了電路的穩定性。 開關、按鍵部分采用長壽命元件,從而整體提高了硬件使用效率。
Multi-function electric hooter is based on " GB/T12303-90 standard " and " 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea "Devel opment and production , its use highly reliable electronic circuit element Device, at a critical part of an integrated circuit IC, significantly increase.High stability of the circuit.Switch, key part of the adoption of long - Lifetime components, resulting in overall improvement of hardware efficiency.
* Modular ship noise, including 15 kinds of commonly used signals, and Supports manual functions, simple operation
* Additional radio features